Kundalini Splendor

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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Lawrence Edwards––poem to the Beloved 

On Oct 30, 2019, at 7:05 AM, Lawrence Edwards wrote:

Dear Dorothy,

Om Kali Ma!  This gift appeared in Her field of Consciousness this morning.  Here we are Dorothy, two old souls besotted on the wine of Her ecstacy!  Let the pundits roam the arid deserts of religion and philosophy, we'll drink deeply from Her wellspring!

My Beloved brought me to Her
midnight black portal,
entryway to mysteries beyond mysteries.
I peered into the Infinite Dark,
Her formless Presence,
knowing the boundless Love
of ecstatic dissolution
She was drawing me into.
Fear and trepidation have long fled,
yet ecstatic trembling seizes this body!
O the blissful anticipation that is given
to mind and body, heart and soul!
Her luscious embrace pulls
what remains of a me
into the dark,
now, suddenly, radiant
with flames of Love blazing everywhere!
All is aflame!
All is alight with Her fire!
She is the Fire, the Love,
birthing infinite forms,
all within Herself,
all radiant with Her
Living Presence!
All forms are Her!
Only Her, dancing everywhere!
O my Beloved,
grant this vision to everyone!
How can we breathe without knowing
the Fire of Your Love?

Lawrence Edwards
© 2019

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