Kundalini Splendor

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Thursday, November 07, 2019

Mystery School Symposium––free 

To access this symposium (free), go to  https://mysteryschoolforanewparadigm.com/–online/– symposium.  Each starts at 10 a.m., Eastern time.

I will present onSunday, November 10

The Mystery School for a New Paradigm
37 subscribers

Join our FREE Online Symposium

FREE Online Symposium November 9-16, 2019
Register for FREE at the this link: mysteryschoolforanewparadigm.com/online/-symposium

 Exploring how Mystery Schools can create a Magnificent FuThis symposium is an extended exploration of the many ways that mystery schools are alive and active today, and the role that we can play in shaping the future of this world. A mystery school is a gathering of pioneering individuals working together to dramatically shift the course of the future. Deep inside many of us know that something wonderful is possible for this world, but none of us can create that future on our own - it can only be done together. We can learn how to support and teach each other so we can tap into the hidden sources of love and wisdom that wait for us in the heart and mind of the cosmos. Together we can awaken each other to our true potential and unlock the higher human capacities that will change everything for everyone. This symposium is an extended exploration of that incredible possibility.

The Mystery School for a New Paradigm Online Symposium starts November 9 and we wanted to remind you to register now so you won’t miss any of the event.

On Saturday, November 9 the symposium starts with our first seminar. After that you will receive one recorded seminar each day. The symposium ends with a live online event with Jeff Carreira on Saturday, November 16.

Here is the full line up of seminars:

Saturday, November 9
Gary Lachman – Esoteric Scholar and Author, explores the esoteric tradition of the Mystery School.

Sunday, November 10
Dorothy Walters – Pioneering Teacher of Kundalini Awakening, illuminates the path of energetic awakening.

Monday, November 11
Nicolya Christi – Spiritual Visionary and Futurist, speaks about conscious evolution and the path of purification.

Tuesday, November 12
Tim Freke – Spiritual Philosopher, explains our crucial role in  transitioning humanity into a dramatically new way of being.

Wednesday, November 13
Dr. Jeffrey Kripal – Professor of Philosophy and Religious Thought, explores the significance of paranormal gifts.

Thursday, November 14
Nora Bateson – Award winning filmmaker, Writer and Educator – discusses the multi-dimensional complexity of the world.

Saturday, November 16
Jeff Carreira – (LIVE ONLINE EVENT) Guiding Teacher of the Mystery School for a New Paradigm.

Please be sure to register now for our free online symposium.

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