Monday, November 11, 2019
Preparing––poem by Dorothy
Be drunk on love
for love is all that exists.
In death I will forfeit what
I thought of as my body
and go to be a formless being
that will now possess
even a new name.
Where I will be,
how I will live,
what I will do
to occupy my time
I do not know.
Yet I think
there will still be ways
to be in touch,
since I will be invisible
and the powers that lead me
also will not be seen.
We will be drawn
to those who need us here
and help them in secret ways.
They will be filled with love
and sense that this
is the power that binds,
seen to unseen, mighty
to small.
Now is the great leap of faith,
preparing to join that which
I do not know,
to listen to what
I cannot hear.
Dorothy Walters
November 11, 2019