Kundalini Splendor

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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Rumi, You Rascal––Rumi Poems 9 

Rumi Poems––9

Rumi, you rascal,
I know you are sending
me messages,
too numerous
to count.

O.K., let's be up front
with all this.

You keep on speaking
as you twirl,
and I
am learning to fly.

Dorothy Walters
December 9, 2019

This is the last of the Rumi poems.  They were written quickly, one after another, on the evening of December 9, after I had been reading some of his quatrains translated by Andrew Harvey.  I did not know ( nor was I concerned about) how they would be received.  Last night I met someone who told me that she indeed loved them.  That was reassuring to me.  If a poem finds a singer reader who resonates with it, that is sufficient reward.

(Image from internet)

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