Kundalini Splendor

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Sunday, June 14, 2020

A Delightful Experience 

A Delightful Experience

Last night I had an experience I have long wished for but never expected to have. As I was getting ready to go to bed, I suddenly smelled a delicious odor that seemed to come from nowhere. It was not like a flower or perfume. Rather it resembled some slightly pungent incense. I continued to inhale its fragrant and lovely scent as long as I inhaled slowly and deep. I was lost in this olfactory delight for many minutes before I finally gave up and went to bed.

Yes, I think that these days the veils are thinning and we are having unusual experiences, aspects of mind expansion. All this is part of our progress toward full transformation, as we move closer to our mutation into a new species. Kabir said, "Turn me to gold." The Mother (spiritual wife of Shri Aurobindo) was convinced that our very cells were being regenerated in our mutual progress toward a new state of being.

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