Kundalini Splendor

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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

And Then Yet Another Sublime Experience 

And Then Yet Another Sublime Experience

I decided to listen to music once I got up so I turned on the classical music station on the T. V.  Soon I was listening to a Bach Symphony and now each note, each emphasis, resonated in my body as acute bliss.  Again I moved my fingers in micro movements, again I sent energies up and down my side in subtle waves of bliss.

Always the energetic tone was one ever more delicate, more refined than earlier "bliss outs."  This "session" lasted for some 30-40 minutes.  At last I ceased and sat down at my computer to check my mail.

At this moment, something like a line of poetry entered my head (from where?  never know)  So I very quickly wrote the poem I posted yesterday.  I liked it and hoped others would as well.

I thought later that this had been a "perfect day."

Dorothy Walters
June 13, 2020

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