Kundalini Splendor

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Thursday, June 25, 2020

Turn Me to Gold––Kabir (tr, Andrew Harvey) 

Let there be
Your Love, Lord,
Burning softly
In Every cell
of my dying and

By Your wild
and merciful
Grace, Lord of Truth,
Turn me to Gold

So I can love
in perfect fullness
Who Loves in me.

from "Turn Me to Gold"
as translated by Andrew Harvey

I have been listening to Andrew Harvey's amazing webinar on Engoldenment from Shift Network.  Andrew believes strongly that humanity is now undergoing a major mutation into a new configuration as "every cell of our dying and transfigured body" is regenerated.  There is compelling evidence that this phenomenon is taking place for many at this time as Kundalini spreads across the globe.  Think of the gifts of expanded awareness now occurring across the planet.  As for me, I think of the bodily bliss I felt at the sacred places in Ireland, my ability to sense and feel the "energy fields" of others, the gift of mystical poetry that arrives spontaneously, and the ecstasy that often comes unbidden, even at this time of my life. 

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