Kundalini Splendor

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Monday, June 15, 2020

What is Happening–A Recent Experience 

What is Happening––A Recent Expansion of Consciousness

Are the veils thinning?  Unusual things are being reported over the world.

As someone who has followed an "energy path" for many years, I take note of shifts occurring in my own subtle body.  Recently it feels as though specific changes are happening that suggest a movement into a new level of response is being achieved.

Example: Much of my own spiritual development is tied to states of ecstasy (bliss),  For me, these states are in fact "quasi erotic" or, as one student observed, "like sex, only different."

A few days ago, I knew the minute I awoke that something different was going on inside (my subtle body).  It was in fact as if I had a different nervous system, and bliss came, but only when I moved my hands (or arms or body) in micromovements. An external observer likely would have seen nothing at all when I moved my fingers so subtly this this movement was virtually imperceptible.  I never touch my body during such sessions, but rather confine my moves and focus to the aura itself (the field emanating from the subtle body).  I simply hold my arms about chest high, and then, through concentration, send the energies down the left side to the feet, then back up and down the right.  Then I move my arms and hands gently up through the chakras (in circles) all the way to the top. Each tiny movement produces exquisite, ineffable bliss.

Then I entered a state unknown to me before.  It was stlll bliss, still ecstasy, but it was more than that.  Somehow I can't even recapture precisely what that state was (for it was indeed ineffable) but I felt as though I had tasted a new stage of my own evolution. It was as if someone else was feeling these sweet waves of delight.  My role, as always, was to receive this blessing. I still moved my hands and fingers in micro movements. But this was beyond (in delicate feeling tone) to all the many states and stages I have known previously (and I have followed ecstasy as my teacher for 40 years since my original awakening in l981).  I have tasted its many shades and nuances, always more subtle, more delicate, more like an actual connection with "the divine."

As always, I had no one to share this experience with, nor have I ever read about or encountered someone who has experienced something similar.  Are the stages I have gone through a foretaste of what all of us will experience as we move into the next level of human evolution?  Is everything now preparation for what is to come in a major shift of the species?  Is this how the angels feel?  Are we each receiving new frequencies into our bodies to be ready for the shift?

Next day, I was back into my "familiar" body with its "normal" nervous system.  I was grateful to be given time to integrate these new frequencies, as Kundalini continues its work of refashioning my entire being, physical and spiritual.

Dorothy Walters
June 12, ? 2020

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