Monday, July 13, 2020
A Year of Kabir––Andrew Harvey
A Year of Kabir: 365 Mystical Lessons––Andrew Harvey
This brand-new 365 day program is Andrew's love-letter to Kabir, to radical truth... and most of all to you.
Take your first step here (go to for how to enroll).
The Four Indispensable Realities of Kabir
When I finally plunged into recreating and translating Kabir, I was living alone with my two cats in a log cabin lost in the Ozarks and that was the perfect place for Kabir and my soul to meet because there was absolutely no way of distracting myself from him or escaping from the fierce and extraordinary process that living with him and in him day after day set racing through my entire being.
It was during this time that I understood viscerally why Kabir is so central not only to my own maturation but to the rigorous maturation of our entire spiritual movement.
It was in this time that I finally allowed myself to face that the world was in a global dark night and this dark night had only two possible outcomes, extinction or transfiguration—the annihilation of humanity through its obscene addictions, or the transfiguration of humanity into a new kind of species through its dying into a surrendered life of adoration and service.
As I lived with and in Kabir, and as these recognitions became more integral to everything I was working on and speaking about, the modernity of Kabir’s transmissions became lightning clear to me.
I realized that in Kabir, we have four indispensable realities, a field of the most galvanizing imaginable initiatory power.
The first reality is the need to go beyond all religions and patriarchal mysticisms into claiming with great courage our direct connection with the one beyond all names and forms and concepts, only claiming that direct connection can possibly transform us urgently enough now. And the bankruptcy of clinging to any of the traditions and systems and all their limitations will only hold us back in a time when we have no time.
The second reality is the necessity of facing unshrinkingly the horrific shadows in humanity that are obviously erupting everywhere and the equally horrific shadows in ourselves that perpetuate what is now clearly a suicidal and matricidal headlong rush to annihilation of ourselves and of a great deal of nature. Any spirituality that shrinks from this in any way will delude us and dilute the urgency of our turning in absolute surrender to the grace and the light.
The third reality Kabir lays bare to us is the necessity to learn how in each moment to die into a vaster and vaster truth. It is obvious to anyone with true insight that even what we have imagined to be illumined consciousness is now absurdly insufficient in the face of what looks like terminal disaster. What we need is to be divinized and to have access through grace to the most complete powerful, luminous divine consciousness imaginable, and this is only possible if we learn the real lesson of the dark night, and allow the dark night to crucify us and burn away every illusion and fantasy about our human nature and the nature of God that we have clung to in order to console ourselves.
The fourth reality that Kabir makes exultantly clear reveals the whole purpose of this global dark night we are in. And we must listen to him. He knew that if we could die into love and truth, then love and truth would possess us entirely—heart, mind, soul and body—and birth in us the next human species, one that could collaborate and cocreate with the divine a wholly new way of being and doing everything.
This I am convinced is the secret meaning of the apocalyptic situation we are in, that it is potentially the birth canal of a new embodied divine humanity. Kabir is the one who has been through this birth canal, who is standing reborn and engoldened in his full human divine glory, and he is challenging us to follow him into what he has discovered is our own most magnificent, ennobling and miraculous truth.
You can see now why I love him so much and why I need him as my deepest friend. All of the work I have done on him is to be able to present him to you as the friend you now need. To tell you the truth about what’s happening, to tell you the truth about what you will need to face, to tell you the truth about what you will need to undergo and to sing out the glorious truth of what you are destined to become if you love, surrender, hope, pray, long and burn enough.
Each day you will receive a different message from this enlightened hot mind. Every day the one who is eternally alive will throw a ray of his light into the depths of your life. Every day a different facet of the comprehensive revelation I have described will flash its brilliance into your soul. Every day you can, if you want to, take this supreme friend’s advice into the core of your mind and ponder it and allow it to brace and ennoble you for the real struggle and the real reward.
What I hope this year with Kabir will offer you is what my years with Kabir have given me—a far more stringent vision of reality and a far more humble and glorious vision of myself and a passion to serve all life as the illusions of the death machine threaten the whole of the human adventure.
Guru Nanak, who founded the Sikh religion and incorporated 300 of Kabir’s greatest poems into the heart of the Sikh’s scriptures, called Kabir, “the perfect mystic”. If you truly want to be a perfect mystic, and a perfect sacred activist and truly rise to the challenge of our times, I would advise you to go into training with the one whose ferocity, courage and clarity establishes him as our supreme guide to the next stage of evolution.
Begin Your Year With Kabir
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