Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Rumy Millard––Message from the other side
Rumy Millard is a friend of mine who grew up in Brazil and thus speaks Portuguese. She herself is a psychic healer and a meditation teacher. She recently received this message ( in Portuguese) from a friend and translated it for others to read. It is long but quite fascinating for its perspective on the covid crisis.
From: "Facebook"
Subject: Rumy Millard tagged me in a post on Facebook
Date: July 21, 2020 at 1:45:32 AM MDT
To: Dorothy Walters
Reply-To: noreply
Rumy Millard tagged you and 33 others in a post: "A friend sent me a video in Portuguese about a message from a spirit named Alex Bardonnie. I watched the video and it was so relevant, that I thought it should be made available to everyone. I translated it and my friend Evan Mecham made it so beautiful in English, so that you can take from it whatever helps, comforts, and inspires you. t's long, but please take the time to read it. "Message from ALex Bardonnie, Nova Luz (New light) Project Greetings to all of Planet Earth's residents. Although the human population is alarmed because of the pandemic spreading throughout the world, each of you should know that you were aware of this challenge during the planning of your incarnation. You were also mindful of the importance of experiencing this unique moment. I know you are overwhelmed with the disturbing news, information, and guidelines at this time. Please allow me to give you a perspective of the situation from our spiritual realm. My name is Alex Bardonnie, and I am a member of a spiritual group called Nova Luz (New Light) Project. We work tirelessly in the transition process that Earth is going through at the moment. Many of you have already been informed of these drastic changes that are happening, by Chico Xavier, I am here to explain our project and how it will affect your life going forward. Even though it seems devastating, frightening, and intimidating, see this moment as a gift, given to you by your merit. We in the spiritual realms, can't absorb some feelings related to hunger, scarcity, fear, insecurity, disease, and death. We understand them fully, but don't feel them the same way as humans do. I have felt them because I have lived on your planet before. By now, you must be asking how such feelings can be a gift. The answer is quite simple – living through these difficult and unsure times will significantly enhance your evolution. Exposure to the intensity of life during this pandemic will shape Humanity going forward and better prepare each of you for your eternal existence. It is of the utmost importance to awaken Humanity during this time of unprecedented doubt and uncertainty. In the spiritual realm, we work tirelessly to bring about the spiritual shift, familiar to so many of you. This shift is necessary to raise human consciousness and connect Humanity with the spiritual realm. Our goal is to bring about this transcendent change by the year 2150. In the spiritual world, there is no past, and no future. We live the now, the instant, and all our feelings, focus, emotions, and perspectives are fully present with us. If Earth doesn't learn to live in the now, it will be impossible for us to evolve spiritually and establish a connection to the higher spiritual realms. IF we look back a few months, you lived in an antagonistic way with the incarnate experience. Not much was being felt, lived, savored, and learned. The focus was always on the future – the next weekend, tomorrow's party, the upcoming holiday, the following material objective. Most of Earth's population, around 85%, is under-utilizing its existence. Humanity's failure to live their lives fully and in a beneficial manner for all of Earth's inhabitants is why the pandemic is happening – Humanity must awaken from their life’s pointless perspective to one of purpose and connectedness to all of God's creations. I will now list below the objectives of Nova Luz: 1. To forget future achievements and to live life in the now must be humankind's ultimate goal. This significant moment on Earth requires that we live one day at a time. Humanity must stop sacrificing today to design tomorrow! If you fail to take care of yourselves, your neighbors, or the whole civilization right now in the present moment, the future will not happen! 2. We are aware of the inequitable and devastatingly unfair division of resources on planet Earth. This condition prevents impoverished peoples from acquiring adequate medical care, minimal housing, and social services. We in the spiritual realms have reduced Humanity's desire for excess, greed, and vanity. Many people who once relished exclusivist situations, based on their financial resources, now find this behavior unfulfilling and selfish. They now add value to their lives by looking for ways to uplift their sisters and brothers through acts of kindness and helpfulness. 3. Almost always, when we reincarnate, we bring with us karmic situations from past lives, to educate ourselves. Sometimes, within four or five incarnations, a spirit becomes stuck and is unable to make progress in resolving these specific karmic debts. This unique moment in time represents the opportunity for the entire human family to experience a profound reformation. If your problem is family-related, your life's karmic situation will provide help in solving all issues; if your challenge is greed, you will realize the future can change at any time, and your wealth may vanish; if your obstacle is an addiction, the time for rehabilitation and healing is now. Those individuals who continue to ignore the shifting of social responsibility to pursue selfish and shallow pleasures or lack faith will be consumed with a feeling of emptiness. Such attitudes will drive these persons to consider a more meaningful and uplifting existence. 4. For those that are healthy and safe at home, it will be impossible to experience happiness and peace if they fail to reach out to their fellow human beings in need. The process of this time on Earth, the involvement of Humanity with this pandemic, is purposeful and will instill in the majority of human beings the sense of fraternity with all of Earth's creatures. No longer will our fraternal family suffer alone, or in disparity. No longer will some starve while others eat. Enlightened souls will not rest, will not cease their efforts until every human soul is safe, fed and cared for, and feels deep within their heart that all are part of an immense constellation where no star is brighter than another. 5. We also want to remind you that your time is short, each person who is born on Earth has limited time to evolve, and the day of your departure has been previously set. This pandemic came to demonstrate this truth and to show us that we need to face our conflicts sooner than later. Please, use this time for profound reflection on your existence. We each have the instinct to discern right from wrong. Now is the time to use this knowledge. To the elderly who are now departing, be calm, you are well received here, and your passing is deeply honored for the lessons and examples you have provided those who continue lives here on Earth. So, what can we expect from now on? According to our plans, if the behavioral evolution keeps going with love, faith, and compassion, the beginning of the world's healing will begin on May 17th of this year, when doctors will start to find efficient treatments to slow the pandemic. In approximately one month, everyone will begin to feel a renewal and rebirth. The planet will be under observation for 180 days. If this feeling of renewal and increased awareness does not result in actual behavioral changes in the general population, a second wave of affliction, this time stronger, is being prepared to correct the stubbornness in Humanity and their lack of learning. We currently feel confident that this will not be necessary. We see many gestures of love, understanding, and reflection. The arrogance that once reigned in the personalities of so many persons is slowly fading. I feel it is important to explain one last detail. We chose to use a pandemic based upon disease rather than a war to avoid the horrific feelings of anger, separation, and resentment, which are part of every conflict. Further, global contamination of modern warfare was also a great concern to us. We felt that a pandemic would cross all conventional human divides. Preconceived ideas of ethnicity, nationality, creed, or social status would dissolve in the maelstrom of disease and suffering and show equality as we face the potential of disease and death. The fact that you are reading this letter indicates that you are being summoned by love to help us. We need your vibration to emanate all the energy of love, support, clarification, and healing that we have in our realms. You are essential for this movement; you are the bridge that will allow Earth to receive this energy. All that we ask is that every day, in silence, you connect with us in thought, remembering this letter and in meditation confirm you will donate the necessary vibration to all those in need. Direct your vibration to whoever comes to your mind, for in doing so, you will be serving the entire planet while strengthening your spiritual reserves. Thank you for your time. Please know you are not alone, I am only one in millions of mentors who are with you on this journey. God bless you all! Alex Bardonnie #cartaaosnavegantes".
Rumy wrote: "A friend sent me a video in Portuguese about a message from a spirit named Alex Bardonnie. I watched the video and it was so relevant, that I thought it should be made available to everyone. I translated it and my friend Evan Mecham made it so beautiful in English, so that you can take from it whatever helps, comforts, and inspires you. t's long, but please take the time to read it. "Message from ALex Bardonnie, Nova Luz (New light) Project Greetings to all of Planet Earth's residents. Although the human population is alarmed because of the pandemic spreading throughout the world, each of you should know that you were aware of this challenge during the planning of your incarnation. You were also mindful of the importance of experiencing this unique moment. I know you are overwhelmed with the disturbing news, information, and guidelines at this time. Please allow me to give you a perspective of the situation from our spiritual realm. My name is Alex Bardonnie, and I am a member of a spiritual group called Nova Luz (New Light) Project. We work tirelessly in the transition process that Earth is going through at the moment. Many of you have already been informed of these drastic changes that are happening, by Chico Xavier, I am here to explain our project and how it will affect your life going forward. Even though it seems devastating, frightening, and intimidating, see this moment as a gift, given to you by your merit. We in the spiritual realms, can't absorb some feelings related to hunger, scarcity, fear, insecurity, disease, and death. We understand them fully, but don't feel them the same way as humans do. I have felt them because I have lived on your planet before. By now, you must be asking how such feelings can be a gift. The answer is quite simple – living through these difficult and unsure times will significantly enhance your evolution. Exposure to the intensity of life during this pandemic will shape Humanity going forward and better prepare each of you for your eternal existence. It is of the utmost importance to awaken Humanity during this time of unprecedented doubt and uncertainty. In the spiritual realm, we work tirelessly to bring about the spiritual shift, familiar to so many of you. This shift is necessary to raise human consciousness and connect Humanity with the spiritual realm. Our goal is to bring about this transcendent change by the year 2150. In the spiritual world, there is no past, and no future. We live the now, the instant, and all our feelings, focus, emotions, and perspectives are fully present with us. If Earth doesn't learn to live in the now, it will be impossible for us to evolve spiritually and establish a connection to the higher spiritual realms. IF we look back a few months, you lived in an antagonistic way with the incarnate experience. Not much was being felt, lived, savored, and learned. The focus was always on the future – the next weekend, tomorrow's party, the upcoming holiday, the following material objective. Most of Earth's population, around 85%, is under-utilizing its existence. Humanity's failure to live their lives fully and in a beneficial manner for all of Earth's inhabitants is why the pandemic is happening – Humanity must awaken from their life’s pointless perspective to one of purpose and connectedness to all of God's creations. I will now list below the objectives of Nova Luz: 1. To forget future achievements and to live life in the now must be humankind's ultimate goal. This significant moment on Earth requires that we live one day at a time. Humanity must stop sacrificing today to design tomorrow! If you fail to take care of yourselves, your neighbors, or the whole civilization right now in the present moment, the future will not happen! 2. We are aware of the inequitable and devastatingly unfair division of resources on planet Earth. This condition prevents impoverished peoples from acquiring adequate medical care, minimal housing, and social services. We in the spiritual realms have reduced Humanity's desire for excess, greed, and vanity. Many people who once relished exclusivist situations, based on their financial resources, now find this behavior unfulfilling and selfish. They now add value to their lives by looking for ways to uplift their sisters and brothers through acts of kindness and helpfulness. 3. Almost always, when we reincarnate, we bring with us karmic situations from past lives, to educate ourselves. Sometimes, within four or five incarnations, a spirit becomes stuck and is unable to make progress in resolving these specific karmic debts. This unique moment in time represents the opportunity for the entire human family to experience a profound reformation. If your problem is family-related, your life's karmic situation will provide help in solving all issues; if your challenge is greed, you will realize the future can change at any time, and your wealth may vanish; if your obstacle is an addiction, the time for rehabilitation and healing is now. Those individuals who continue to ignore the shifting of social responsibility to pursue selfish and shallow pleasures or lack faith will be consumed with a feeling of emptiness. Such attitudes will drive these persons to consider a more meaningful and uplifting existence. 4. For those that are healthy and safe at home, it will be impossible to experience happiness and peace if they fail to reach out to their fellow human beings in need. The process of this time on Earth, the involvement of Humanity with this pandemic, is purposeful and will instill in the majority of human beings the sense of fraternity with all of Earth's creatures. No longer will our fraternal family suffer alone, or in disparity. No longer will some starve while others eat. Enlightened souls will not rest, will not cease their efforts until every human soul is safe, fed and cared for, and feels deep within their heart that all are part of an immense constellation where no star is brighter than another. 5. We also want to remind you that your time is short, each person who is born on Earth has limited time to evolve, and the day of your departure has been previously set. This pandemic came to demonstrate this truth and to show us that we need to face our conflicts sooner than later. Please, use this time for profound reflection on your existence. We each have the instinct to discern right from wrong. Now is the time to use this knowledge. To the elderly who are now departing, be calm, you are well received here, and your passing is deeply honored for the lessons and examples you have provided those who continue lives here on Earth. So, what can we expect from now on? According to our plans, if the behavioral evolution keeps going with love, faith, and compassion, the beginning of the world's healing will begin on May 17th of this year, when doctors will start to find efficient treatments to slow the pandemic. In approximately one month, everyone will begin to feel a renewal and rebirth. The planet will be under observation for 180 days. If this feeling of renewal and increased awareness does not result in actual behavioral changes in the general population, a second wave of affliction, this time stronger, is being prepared to correct the stubbornness in Humanity and their lack of learning. We currently feel confident that this will not be necessary. We see many gestures of love, understanding, and reflection. The arrogance that once reigned in the personalities of so many persons is slowly fading. I feel it is important to explain one last detail. We chose to use a pandemic based upon disease rather than a war to avoid the horrific feelings of anger, separation, and resentment, which are part of every conflict. Further, global contamination of modern warfare was also a great concern to us. We felt that a pandemic would cross all conventional human divides. Preconceived ideas of ethnicity, nationality, creed, or social status would dissolve in the maelstrom of disease and suffering and show equality as we face the potential of disease and death. The fact that you are reading this letter indicates that you are being summoned by love to help us. We need your vibration to emanate all the energy of love, support, clarification, and healing that we have in our realms. You are essential for this movement; you are the bridge that will allow Earth to receive this energy. All that we ask is that every day, in silence, you connect with us in thought, remembering this letter and in meditation confirm you will donate the necessary vibration to all those in need. Direct your vibration to whoever comes to your mind, for in doing so, you will be serving the entire planet while strengthening your spiritual reserves. Thank you for your time. Please know you are not alone, I am only one in millions of mentors who are with you on this journey. God bless you all! Alex Bardonnie #cartaaosnavegantes"
From: "Facebook"
Subject: Rumy Millard tagged me in a post on Facebook
Date: July 21, 2020 at 1:45:32 AM MDT
To: Dorothy Walters
Reply-To: noreply
Rumy Millard tagged you and 33 others in a post: "A friend sent me a video in Portuguese about a message from a spirit named Alex Bardonnie. I watched the video and it was so relevant, that I thought it should be made available to everyone. I translated it and my friend Evan Mecham made it so beautiful in English, so that you can take from it whatever helps, comforts, and inspires you. t's long, but please take the time to read it. "Message from ALex Bardonnie, Nova Luz (New light) Project Greetings to all of Planet Earth's residents. Although the human population is alarmed because of the pandemic spreading throughout the world, each of you should know that you were aware of this challenge during the planning of your incarnation. You were also mindful of the importance of experiencing this unique moment. I know you are overwhelmed with the disturbing news, information, and guidelines at this time. Please allow me to give you a perspective of the situation from our spiritual realm. My name is Alex Bardonnie, and I am a member of a spiritual group called Nova Luz (New Light) Project. We work tirelessly in the transition process that Earth is going through at the moment. Many of you have already been informed of these drastic changes that are happening, by Chico Xavier, I am here to explain our project and how it will affect your life going forward. Even though it seems devastating, frightening, and intimidating, see this moment as a gift, given to you by your merit. We in the spiritual realms, can't absorb some feelings related to hunger, scarcity, fear, insecurity, disease, and death. We understand them fully, but don't feel them the same way as humans do. I have felt them because I have lived on your planet before. By now, you must be asking how such feelings can be a gift. The answer is quite simple – living through these difficult and unsure times will significantly enhance your evolution. Exposure to the intensity of life during this pandemic will shape Humanity going forward and better prepare each of you for your eternal existence. It is of the utmost importance to awaken Humanity during this time of unprecedented doubt and uncertainty. In the spiritual realm, we work tirelessly to bring about the spiritual shift, familiar to so many of you. This shift is necessary to raise human consciousness and connect Humanity with the spiritual realm. Our goal is to bring about this transcendent change by the year 2150. In the spiritual world, there is no past, and no future. We live the now, the instant, and all our feelings, focus, emotions, and perspectives are fully present with us. If Earth doesn't learn to live in the now, it will be impossible for us to evolve spiritually and establish a connection to the higher spiritual realms. IF we look back a few months, you lived in an antagonistic way with the incarnate experience. Not much was being felt, lived, savored, and learned. The focus was always on the future – the next weekend, tomorrow's party, the upcoming holiday, the following material objective. Most of Earth's population, around 85%, is under-utilizing its existence. Humanity's failure to live their lives fully and in a beneficial manner for all of Earth's inhabitants is why the pandemic is happening – Humanity must awaken from their life’s pointless perspective to one of purpose and connectedness to all of God's creations. I will now list below the objectives of Nova Luz: 1. To forget future achievements and to live life in the now must be humankind's ultimate goal. This significant moment on Earth requires that we live one day at a time. Humanity must stop sacrificing today to design tomorrow! If you fail to take care of yourselves, your neighbors, or the whole civilization right now in the present moment, the future will not happen! 2. We are aware of the inequitable and devastatingly unfair division of resources on planet Earth. This condition prevents impoverished peoples from acquiring adequate medical care, minimal housing, and social services. We in the spiritual realms have reduced Humanity's desire for excess, greed, and vanity. Many people who once relished exclusivist situations, based on their financial resources, now find this behavior unfulfilling and selfish. They now add value to their lives by looking for ways to uplift their sisters and brothers through acts of kindness and helpfulness. 3. Almost always, when we reincarnate, we bring with us karmic situations from past lives, to educate ourselves. Sometimes, within four or five incarnations, a spirit becomes stuck and is unable to make progress in resolving these specific karmic debts. This unique moment in time represents the opportunity for the entire human family to experience a profound reformation. If your problem is family-related, your life's karmic situation will provide help in solving all issues; if your challenge is greed, you will realize the future can change at any time, and your wealth may vanish; if your obstacle is an addiction, the time for rehabilitation and healing is now. Those individuals who continue to ignore the shifting of social responsibility to pursue selfish and shallow pleasures or lack faith will be consumed with a feeling of emptiness. Such attitudes will drive these persons to consider a more meaningful and uplifting existence. 4. For those that are healthy and safe at home, it will be impossible to experience happiness and peace if they fail to reach out to their fellow human beings in need. The process of this time on Earth, the involvement of Humanity with this pandemic, is purposeful and will instill in the majority of human beings the sense of fraternity with all of Earth's creatures. No longer will our fraternal family suffer alone, or in disparity. No longer will some starve while others eat. Enlightened souls will not rest, will not cease their efforts until every human soul is safe, fed and cared for, and feels deep within their heart that all are part of an immense constellation where no star is brighter than another. 5. We also want to remind you that your time is short, each person who is born on Earth has limited time to evolve, and the day of your departure has been previously set. This pandemic came to demonstrate this truth and to show us that we need to face our conflicts sooner than later. Please, use this time for profound reflection on your existence. We each have the instinct to discern right from wrong. Now is the time to use this knowledge. To the elderly who are now departing, be calm, you are well received here, and your passing is deeply honored for the lessons and examples you have provided those who continue lives here on Earth. So, what can we expect from now on? According to our plans, if the behavioral evolution keeps going with love, faith, and compassion, the beginning of the world's healing will begin on May 17th of this year, when doctors will start to find efficient treatments to slow the pandemic. In approximately one month, everyone will begin to feel a renewal and rebirth. The planet will be under observation for 180 days. If this feeling of renewal and increased awareness does not result in actual behavioral changes in the general population, a second wave of affliction, this time stronger, is being prepared to correct the stubbornness in Humanity and their lack of learning. We currently feel confident that this will not be necessary. We see many gestures of love, understanding, and reflection. The arrogance that once reigned in the personalities of so many persons is slowly fading. I feel it is important to explain one last detail. We chose to use a pandemic based upon disease rather than a war to avoid the horrific feelings of anger, separation, and resentment, which are part of every conflict. Further, global contamination of modern warfare was also a great concern to us. We felt that a pandemic would cross all conventional human divides. Preconceived ideas of ethnicity, nationality, creed, or social status would dissolve in the maelstrom of disease and suffering and show equality as we face the potential of disease and death. The fact that you are reading this letter indicates that you are being summoned by love to help us. We need your vibration to emanate all the energy of love, support, clarification, and healing that we have in our realms. You are essential for this movement; you are the bridge that will allow Earth to receive this energy. All that we ask is that every day, in silence, you connect with us in thought, remembering this letter and in meditation confirm you will donate the necessary vibration to all those in need. Direct your vibration to whoever comes to your mind, for in doing so, you will be serving the entire planet while strengthening your spiritual reserves. Thank you for your time. Please know you are not alone, I am only one in millions of mentors who are with you on this journey. God bless you all! Alex Bardonnie #cartaaosnavegantes".
Rumy wrote: "A friend sent me a video in Portuguese about a message from a spirit named Alex Bardonnie. I watched the video and it was so relevant, that I thought it should be made available to everyone. I translated it and my friend Evan Mecham made it so beautiful in English, so that you can take from it whatever helps, comforts, and inspires you. t's long, but please take the time to read it. "Message from ALex Bardonnie, Nova Luz (New light) Project Greetings to all of Planet Earth's residents. Although the human population is alarmed because of the pandemic spreading throughout the world, each of you should know that you were aware of this challenge during the planning of your incarnation. You were also mindful of the importance of experiencing this unique moment. I know you are overwhelmed with the disturbing news, information, and guidelines at this time. Please allow me to give you a perspective of the situation from our spiritual realm. My name is Alex Bardonnie, and I am a member of a spiritual group called Nova Luz (New Light) Project. We work tirelessly in the transition process that Earth is going through at the moment. Many of you have already been informed of these drastic changes that are happening, by Chico Xavier, I am here to explain our project and how it will affect your life going forward. Even though it seems devastating, frightening, and intimidating, see this moment as a gift, given to you by your merit. We in the spiritual realms, can't absorb some feelings related to hunger, scarcity, fear, insecurity, disease, and death. We understand them fully, but don't feel them the same way as humans do. I have felt them because I have lived on your planet before. By now, you must be asking how such feelings can be a gift. The answer is quite simple – living through these difficult and unsure times will significantly enhance your evolution. Exposure to the intensity of life during this pandemic will shape Humanity going forward and better prepare each of you for your eternal existence. It is of the utmost importance to awaken Humanity during this time of unprecedented doubt and uncertainty. In the spiritual realm, we work tirelessly to bring about the spiritual shift, familiar to so many of you. This shift is necessary to raise human consciousness and connect Humanity with the spiritual realm. Our goal is to bring about this transcendent change by the year 2150. In the spiritual world, there is no past, and no future. We live the now, the instant, and all our feelings, focus, emotions, and perspectives are fully present with us. If Earth doesn't learn to live in the now, it will be impossible for us to evolve spiritually and establish a connection to the higher spiritual realms. IF we look back a few months, you lived in an antagonistic way with the incarnate experience. Not much was being felt, lived, savored, and learned. The focus was always on the future – the next weekend, tomorrow's party, the upcoming holiday, the following material objective. Most of Earth's population, around 85%, is under-utilizing its existence. Humanity's failure to live their lives fully and in a beneficial manner for all of Earth's inhabitants is why the pandemic is happening – Humanity must awaken from their life’s pointless perspective to one of purpose and connectedness to all of God's creations. I will now list below the objectives of Nova Luz: 1. To forget future achievements and to live life in the now must be humankind's ultimate goal. This significant moment on Earth requires that we live one day at a time. Humanity must stop sacrificing today to design tomorrow! If you fail to take care of yourselves, your neighbors, or the whole civilization right now in the present moment, the future will not happen! 2. We are aware of the inequitable and devastatingly unfair division of resources on planet Earth. This condition prevents impoverished peoples from acquiring adequate medical care, minimal housing, and social services. We in the spiritual realms have reduced Humanity's desire for excess, greed, and vanity. Many people who once relished exclusivist situations, based on their financial resources, now find this behavior unfulfilling and selfish. They now add value to their lives by looking for ways to uplift their sisters and brothers through acts of kindness and helpfulness. 3. Almost always, when we reincarnate, we bring with us karmic situations from past lives, to educate ourselves. Sometimes, within four or five incarnations, a spirit becomes stuck and is unable to make progress in resolving these specific karmic debts. This unique moment in time represents the opportunity for the entire human family to experience a profound reformation. If your problem is family-related, your life's karmic situation will provide help in solving all issues; if your challenge is greed, you will realize the future can change at any time, and your wealth may vanish; if your obstacle is an addiction, the time for rehabilitation and healing is now. Those individuals who continue to ignore the shifting of social responsibility to pursue selfish and shallow pleasures or lack faith will be consumed with a feeling of emptiness. Such attitudes will drive these persons to consider a more meaningful and uplifting existence. 4. For those that are healthy and safe at home, it will be impossible to experience happiness and peace if they fail to reach out to their fellow human beings in need. The process of this time on Earth, the involvement of Humanity with this pandemic, is purposeful and will instill in the majority of human beings the sense of fraternity with all of Earth's creatures. No longer will our fraternal family suffer alone, or in disparity. No longer will some starve while others eat. Enlightened souls will not rest, will not cease their efforts until every human soul is safe, fed and cared for, and feels deep within their heart that all are part of an immense constellation where no star is brighter than another. 5. We also want to remind you that your time is short, each person who is born on Earth has limited time to evolve, and the day of your departure has been previously set. This pandemic came to demonstrate this truth and to show us that we need to face our conflicts sooner than later. Please, use this time for profound reflection on your existence. We each have the instinct to discern right from wrong. Now is the time to use this knowledge. To the elderly who are now departing, be calm, you are well received here, and your passing is deeply honored for the lessons and examples you have provided those who continue lives here on Earth. So, what can we expect from now on? According to our plans, if the behavioral evolution keeps going with love, faith, and compassion, the beginning of the world's healing will begin on May 17th of this year, when doctors will start to find efficient treatments to slow the pandemic. In approximately one month, everyone will begin to feel a renewal and rebirth. The planet will be under observation for 180 days. If this feeling of renewal and increased awareness does not result in actual behavioral changes in the general population, a second wave of affliction, this time stronger, is being prepared to correct the stubbornness in Humanity and their lack of learning. We currently feel confident that this will not be necessary. We see many gestures of love, understanding, and reflection. The arrogance that once reigned in the personalities of so many persons is slowly fading. I feel it is important to explain one last detail. We chose to use a pandemic based upon disease rather than a war to avoid the horrific feelings of anger, separation, and resentment, which are part of every conflict. Further, global contamination of modern warfare was also a great concern to us. We felt that a pandemic would cross all conventional human divides. Preconceived ideas of ethnicity, nationality, creed, or social status would dissolve in the maelstrom of disease and suffering and show equality as we face the potential of disease and death. The fact that you are reading this letter indicates that you are being summoned by love to help us. We need your vibration to emanate all the energy of love, support, clarification, and healing that we have in our realms. You are essential for this movement; you are the bridge that will allow Earth to receive this energy. All that we ask is that every day, in silence, you connect with us in thought, remembering this letter and in meditation confirm you will donate the necessary vibration to all those in need. Direct your vibration to whoever comes to your mind, for in doing so, you will be serving the entire planet while strengthening your spiritual reserves. Thank you for your time. Please know you are not alone, I am only one in millions of mentors who are with you on this journey. God bless you all! Alex Bardonnie #cartaaosnavegantes"