Monday, October 05, 2020
Kundalini Hour presentation by Dorothy
First, from KaiShanti:
As Evolution Evolves Itself, We Are Becoming More Free
Understanding how our nature works involves understanding the patterning that has been created as a part of our cellular structuring. We can't see the whole if we can't see the minute details of our own existence. Reasoning would say that we must be whole beings of light if we are structures of cellular renewal and light emanations. Reasoning would say that we must be renewing ourselves every day to be a new part of a whole system of play as dynamic grace. We must be this every day or we will be redefining an old system of uncooperative, unharmonic games.
What do we want to become truly? Do we want to become play as the unequivocal grace that arises from every strand of our being? Do we want to become the play of grace in the harmony of the things that are unseen as well as seen? Do we want to know that grace is our very structure, and beingness is created in this space? Do we want to know that we exist in harmony with all things that are seen in this world of reality as well as the unseen world of biomolecular change. Our repeated reasoning makes us think that we are something, somewhere in time and space. Our knowledge from within the depths of our being makes us know that the divine is at play and we must acquiesce to the changes that are becoming real in our biological play.
It is all happening for a reason, and we must see the play as a dynamic change in our every day functioning as a modern upgrade for divine grace!
Kundalini Hour with Alan Steinfeld and Kai Shanti
October Guests
Please subscribe to my YouTube channel so you won't miss us when we go Live. Although, the broadcasts will also be available after the initial Livestream.
Tuesday, October 6th @ 6pm ET, 3pm PST
Author of "Kundalini Wonder: The god/goddess in Your Body", "Unmasking the Rose: A Record of a Kundalini Initiation", "Some Kiss We Want: Poems Selected and New", and more beautiful poetry books. She will discuss her awakening experience and read a few of her mystical poems, all related to Kundalini. She experienced spontaneous awakening in l981 when Kundalini was almost unknown in the West about Kundalini. Thus she went through her process basically with no information or guides. She was thrown into ecstasy (The god force) and ecstasy became her guide.
Find Dorothy's Books on Amazon
Tuesday, October 6th @ 6pm ET, 3pm PST
Author of "Kundalini Wonder: The god/goddess in Your Body", "Unmasking the Rose: A Record of a Kundalini Initiation", "Some Kiss We Want: Poems Selected and New", and more beautiful poetry books